Friday, 11 March 2016

Summer Kendama Jam 2016

The Summer Kendama Jam is back again but this year, we are teaming up with the great people from Jam Republic, Recognize Studios, 37thdama, Cereal Kendama & SFB Kendama to bring this to you.

Date: 16 March 2016
Place: Scape Outdoor Tent
Time: 12pm to 7pm
Entry Fee: $10 (Online) / $15 (At door) (Free Limited Edition T-shirt)

So what is going to happen?

Everyone taking part in the Jam competition will need to undergo a Preliminary trick list.

Upon completion of the Preliminary trick list, we will announce the competitors who are streamlined into the Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced categories. Do note that competitors DO NOT GET TO CHOOSE which category they belong to. It solely depends on their Preliminary tricklist results.

For the Beginner category, all beginner competitors will need to complete a list of tricks (Ladder) and the ones who complete the fastest will move on to the Finals which is also a list of tricks that they must complete.

For the Intermediate category, all intermediate competitors will have to undergo a Consistency Ladder challenge. In each group of competitors, each person will need to do this list of tricks in sequence. The competitor who complete the list of tricks in the fastest time will move on to the finals.

For the Advanced category, all advanced competitors will have to do a 3-minute challenge/freestyle based on a fixed list of tricks in the same way the Kendama World Cup is scored.

Unsure of how these advanced tricks look like? Well here are the videos.

So that was the breakdown on how each category will work.
Of course the top 3 from each category will go home with awesome prizes!!

To join the Summer Kendama Jam 2016, you will need to register online here:

So be sure to register NOW & join us for the Summer Kendama Jam 2016!
See you soon, and keep shredding!


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