Friday, 12 September 2014

Spinworkx at the World Yo-Yo Contest 2014

After a month, we are still reeling from post-Worlds syndrome. For the first time in a really long time, Worlds was held outside of the US, and we had to experience it for ourselves. So we made the journey down to Prague to have some fun. The World Yo-Yo Contest this year was held over 3 days at the Archa Theatre, Prague.

All we can say is that Worlds2014 was AWESOME! The level of play/performance that each competitor brought, the organising crew and volunteers (Manpower), the production team (Video crew and Sound guys) and all, made it amazing to be there. The location was convenient to get to, and the event ran smoothly. There is just so much good to say about the event that we cannot put it all into words. You had to be there to witness and experience it for yourself. With that, here are some pictures we took of the event.

If you haven't already, start making plans to attend Worlds2015 in Tokyo!

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