Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Spinworkx First Mount #31 - Trapeze with Mindbend (Back)

This First Mount trick is something that is not commonly found or seen in tricks these days, but it has the potential to lead on to other mounts and is definitely worth exploring. The Mindbend trick was made popular by Doctor Popular in The Glass Lab - Lab Experiment 4 clip video where he used it to do tricks like the Robot, Flop, etc. Furthermore, this method that we are using to get into the Mindbend is rather interesting as it requires a fair bit of slack and precision. 

So let us explain how the Trapeze with Mindbend mount is done.

First, throw a straight Breakaway. It doesn't need to be too strong a Breakaway as you would not want the yo-yo to be swinging too fast.

As the yo-yo is swinging upwards, let it hit your non-throw hand index finger.

As soon as the yo-yo hits your non-throw hand index, slack the string over and into the yo-yo gap. When the yo-yo string is caught / wrapped around the bearing, it should end up appearing like a regular Trapeze. However, when you try to hop the yo-yo up or off the string, you should not be able to as there is a mindbend around the yo-yo.

And that is how you do the Trapeze with Mindbend (Back) mount.

A few pointers to take note of when learning the Trapeze with Mindbend (Back) Mount:
1) Remember not to throw your Breakaway too hard.
2) When throwing the slacked string into the yo-yo, aim and swing the string into the yo-yo gap.
3) Try doing this Mount slowly to get the idea and the hang of the trick.

That is all for the Spinworkx First Mount Project this time around.
If you have any questions or feedback, drop us a note here, or shout out to us at our Facebook page.
You can also show us your Trapeze with Mindbend (Back) Mount by tagging us on our Instagram Page, with @spinworkxsg #firstmount. 

Till the next Mount,
Keep Spinning!~

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Eastern State Throwdown 2014 Freestyle Videos

Spinner 1A Champion - Alexander Teo

Spinner 2A Champion - Javier Soong

Spinner 4A Champion - Karthik

Spinner 5A Champion - Javier Soong

Professional 1A Champion - Jason Cheow

Professional 2A Champion - Ian Loh

Professional 4A Champion - Kwan Jun Jie

Professional 5A Champion - Ian Loh

Check out all the EST 2014 Freestyles here:

Friday, 12 September 2014

Spinworkx at the World Yo-Yo Contest 2014

After a month, we are still reeling from post-Worlds syndrome. For the first time in a really long time, Worlds was held outside of the US, and we had to experience it for ourselves. So we made the journey down to Prague to have some fun. The World Yo-Yo Contest this year was held over 3 days at the Archa Theatre, Prague.

All we can say is that Worlds2014 was AWESOME! The level of play/performance that each competitor brought, the organising crew and volunteers (Manpower), the production team (Video crew and Sound guys) and all, made it amazing to be there. The location was convenient to get to, and the event ran smoothly. There is just so much good to say about the event that we cannot put it all into words. You had to be there to witness and experience it for yourself. With that, here are some pictures we took of the event.

If you haven't already, start making plans to attend Worlds2015 in Tokyo!

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Spinworkx Around the World: Barcelona (Spain)

Barcelona, Spain was our third destination while in Europe and before traveling, we heard nothing but good things about Barcelona and Spain. When we arrived in Barcelona, it was slightly hotter than our past two stops in Europe, but just like the weather, the Spainish people we met had warm and friendly personalities. Getting around Barcelona was not tough at all, and the place was full of culture and traditions that was just amazing to experience. Don't even get us started on the food!

The architecture in Barcelona is breath-taking, especially the places we visited namely the Sagrada Familia and Park Guell, both designed by Gaudi. We were too busy taking it all in (and eating delicious local cuisine) and did not take many photos on this leg of the trip. Here are the few photos we have.

Friday, 5 September 2014

Spinworkx First Mount #30 - Through the Backdoor Mount

After all the First Mounts that you have learnt so far, the next few up-coming mounts shouldn't be too tough to handle. The 'Through the Backdoor' Mount is a relatively simple Mount to understand, but executing it may be a little hard for some as there is a 'Chopstick' element in the Mount. 

It is through this 'Chopstick' element that enables the string to be passed onto both the Thumb and Index finger of your throwing hand, allowing for more complex trick options.

So let us explain how to get into the 'Through the Backdoor' Mount.

First, throw a straight Breakaway, and allow the string to fall on-top of your non-throwing hand just like doing a Trapeze Brother Mount.

Following this, the yo-yo should be changing directions and swinging back over to your throwing hand.

Before/while this happens, you will need to position the thumb of your throwing hand under the string segment that is coming out from the string loop that is tied to your finger.

Now, as the yo-yo is swinging towards your throwing hand, position your throwing hand in a way that your Thumb 'hooks' onto the string and your Thumb should now be above your index finger and all your other fingers.

This creates a small string segment in-between your thumb and middle finger.

Now, as the yo-yo is swinging towards your throwing hand, allow the yo-yo to go in-between your throwing hand thumb and middle finger, landing onto that string segment.

Once it lands onto the string, your non-throwing hand should be crossed above your throwing hand.

Viola, you have completed the 'Through the Backdoor' Mount.

A few pointers to take note of when learning the Through the Backdoor Mount:
1) Remember to aim the yo-yo to land onto the string that is in-between your throwing hand thumb and index finger.
2) When performing the mount, practice it slow and steadily first before building up speed.
3) During the Mount, remember to keep the yo-yo spinning straight. If it starts to tilt, catch back the yo-yo and try again.

That is all for the Spinworkx First Mount Project this time.
If you have any questions or feedback, drop us a note here, or shout out to us at our Facebook page.
You can also show us your Through the Backdoor Mount by tagging us on our Instagram Page, with @spinworkxsg #firstmount. 

Till the next Mount,
Keep Spinning!~

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Spinworkx Around the World: Paris (France)

The second stop in our Europe expedition was to the land of romance, Paris. The weather in Paris was very similar to the weather in London, and it was nice and cool for a sunny day out. It was a little tougher getting around Paris as the maps and road names are in French, and French is the first language there as well. So at times, getting directions was tough. However, that did not take away the beauty of the city.

Paris has countless beautiful buildings, attractions and places to see that you just can't cover everything in a single trip. For this trip, we went to check out the popular attractions such as the Eiffel Tower (but of course!), the Louvre and the Arc de Triomphe. So many other places to go to, but so little time. See you again in the future Paris, but for now, here are a couple of photos we took.

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