After mastering Trapeze, and then Trapeze Brother, then what next?
Well, look no further. Ideally, after completing these 2 tricks, the Double or Nothing is the next progression step of side-style string tricks that you absolutely must know.
The Double or Nothing got its name from how the trick is performed. Instead of swinging the yo-yo and landing it on a single string like the Trapeze, the Double or Nothing is swung two rounds around your non-throw index finger, before landing onto the string. Hence the 'double'.
Here is the breakdown of how to perform the Double or Nothing trick.
Firstly, throw a straight Breakaway.
Once the yo-yo has been thrown, do the same as what you would do for a Trapeze, and let the yo-yo string hit the bottom of your non-throwing index finger. However, instead of the yo-yo going over-and-under and landing onto the string, DO NOT land the yo-yo on the string but let it continue swinging and have it go over your throwing-hand index finger.
At this point in time, one good tip to take note of is to keep all your fingers, EXCEPT your index fingers of both hands, tucked in at all times. If any other fingers are sticking out when performing this trick, the string may catch on any other finger and prevent you from performing the Double or Nothing.
Now, with the yo-yo in motion and swinging from your non-throw hand to your throwing hand, let the yo-yo string rest on the top of your throw-hand index finger and then allow it to continue around back to your non-throw hand index finger before landing the yo-yo onto the front string, just like the Trapeze.
Once the yo-yo has landed onto the string, bring your hands slightly closer together so that the yo-yo can sit on the string comfortably without dropping off.
After the yo-yo has landed onto the string and is still spinning, you can show off to all your friends that you have just completed the Double or Nothing trick.
A few pointers to take note of when learning the Double or Nothing:
1) Always tuck all your fingers in while performing the Double or Nothing trick so that the string does not get caught in any other finger other than your index fingers.
2) Before landing the yo-yo on the string to complete the Double or Nothing, try to push all the string segments that are already around your index fingers to the back of your finger and land the yo-yo nearer to the front of your index finger. If you do not do this, you may find that the yo-yo lands on multiple strings where as you would only want it to land on one string segment like a Trapeze.
3) Always try to aim the yo-yo to land on the string you want it to land on. Don't just go through the motion of swinging the yo-yo around and around and 'hope' that it lands on the right string.
Upon mastering the Double or Nothing, you can start learning other tricks involving the Double or Nothing like Cold Fusion and Kwijibo.
That is all we have for #7 of the Spinworkx First Mount Project.
If you have any questions or feedback, drop us a note here, or shout out to us at our Facebook page.
Till the next installment,
Keep Spinning!~
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