Monday, 29 April 2013

Spinworkx Edition Barracuda

The Spinworkx Edition Barracuda will be exclusively available through the Spinworkx store at Orchard Central. It will go on sale on the 30/4 (Tuesday) to coincide with the Official Opening of the new premises. These Barracudas are extremely limited and we don't expect them to hang around long.

Join us at our official opening at 1:30pm at our new store, and pick one of these up if they are still available!

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Spinworkx First Mount #7 - Double or Nothing

After mastering Trapeze, and then Trapeze Brother, then what next?

Well, look no further. Ideally, after completing these 2 tricks, the Double or Nothing is the next progression step of side-style string tricks that you absolutely must know.

The Double or Nothing got its name from how the trick is performed. Instead of swinging the yo-yo and landing it on a single string like the Trapeze, the Double or Nothing is swung two rounds around your non-throw index finger, before landing onto the string. Hence the 'double'.

Here is the breakdown of how to perform the Double or Nothing trick.

Firstly, throw a straight Breakaway.

Once the yo-yo has been thrown, do the same as what you would do for a Trapeze, and let the yo-yo string hit the bottom of your non-throwing index finger. However, instead of the yo-yo going over-and-under and landing onto the string, DO NOT land the yo-yo on the string but let it continue swinging and have it go over your throwing-hand index finger. 

At this point in time, one good tip to take note of is to keep all your fingers, EXCEPT your index fingers of both hands, tucked in at all times. If any other fingers are sticking out when performing this trick, the string may catch on any other finger and prevent you from performing the Double or Nothing.

Now, with the yo-yo in motion and swinging from your non-throw hand to your throwing hand, let the yo-yo string rest on the top of your throw-hand index finger and then allow it to continue around back to your non-throw hand index finger before landing the yo-yo onto the front string, just like the Trapeze.

Once the yo-yo has landed onto the string, bring your hands slightly closer together so that the yo-yo can sit on the string comfortably without dropping off.

After the yo-yo has landed onto the string and is still spinning, you can show off to all your friends that you have just completed the Double or Nothing trick.

A few pointers to take note of when learning the Double or Nothing:
1) Always tuck all your fingers in while performing the Double or Nothing trick so that the string does not get caught in any other finger other than your index fingers.
2) Before landing the yo-yo on the string to complete the Double or Nothing, try to push all the string segments that are already around your index fingers to the back of your finger and land the yo-yo nearer to the front of your index finger. If you do not do this, you may find that the yo-yo lands on multiple strings where as you would only want it to land on one string segment like a Trapeze. 
3) Always try to aim the yo-yo to land on the string you want it to land on. Don't just go through the motion of swinging the yo-yo around and around and 'hope' that it lands on the right string.

Upon mastering the Double or Nothing, you can start learning other tricks involving the Double or Nothing like Cold Fusion and Kwijibo.

That is all we have for #7 of the Spinworkx First Mount Project.
If you have any questions or feedback, drop us a note here, or shout out to us at our Facebook page.

Till the next installment,
Keep Spinning!~

Friday, 19 April 2013

Spinworkx Around the World: Indonesia

For this quest, we are in Indonesia for a very short visit, and we decided to take a look at what was happening in Indonesia, and to check out the famous Selamat Datang Monument while we were at it.

For those that are not aware of the Selamat Datang Monument, it is the 'Welcome Monument' in Jakarta, and was completed in 1962.

Check out the sights we saw while we were there!

Where to next??

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Yo-Yo Setup of the Month: YoYoJam Diamond Back

Whoa, Whoa, Whoa!

Its April already, and we are slowly creeping towards the Asia Pacific Yo-Yo Championships and then the World Yo-Yo Contest.

For this month, we are featuring a great YoYoJam yo-yo that has been out on the market for awhile already. However, after checking out the video that Eric Koloski recently released, we just had to throw the Diamond Back!

Diamond Back

The YoYoJam Diamond Back is a stunning bi-metal release that is the signature model of YoYoJam Team Member, Eric Koloski. Eric is the 2008 1A US National Champion, and he has his own style and flair that is not just technical and intricate, it is flashy and a delight to watch. For his style of play, Eric requires a yo-yo that is reliable, provides tight binds and spins long to give him that edge to pull off all his jaw-dropping tricks. The Diamond Back is all that, and more!

Just looking at the Diamond Back, not even having thrown it, already made us so tempted to drop money to own it, possess it. The lazered, Diamond patterns on the yo-yo halves not only makes the Diamond Back a unique yo-yo, it is so pretty! YoYoJam has, and continues to make spectacular looking, great playing yo-yos. Furthermore, all YoYoJam yo-yos are 100% made in the USA.

The gap view of the Diamond Back shows the bi-metal aspect of the yo-yo. YoYoJam is well known for their metal-rimmed plastic yo-yos, and they have brought over the idea and adapted it for their high-end metal yo-yos as well. The Diamond Back is also finished with a bead-blast that allows the yo-yo to be able to grind really well on the hands. Unresponsive, long spinning and a nice, wide, round Butterfly shape, the Diamond Back is the complete package for 1A players.

Now, let us take a look at the insides of the yo-yo, and how we chose to set it up.

The Diamond Back plays really well stock (straight out of the package). However, we decided to go all the way with this one, as we will further elaborate later on. Out of the package, the yo-yo played great, handling our arsenal of all the modern tricks we could throw at it.

The string that we chose to use is the exact same one that came with it. 100% White Polyester string.

The pads that we use, are the white silicone pads that come stock with all YoYoJam yo-yos. It provides the yo-yo with a nice tight bind and very consistent play.

Now, how did we decide to max our Diamond Back you may wonder. We chose to throw in a Konkave Bearing to have it spin straighter and longer than before.

However, seeing how awesome we feel this yo-yo is, how pretty it looks and how great it plays, we threw in not just any Konkave Bearing, we chose to use a Ceramic Konkave Bearing on this one.

With this setup, the Diamond Back just took our breath away. OH-SO-GOOD!

The Diamond Back is, for-sure, a first class metal yo-yo. Now, just to recap on our setup for the month of April, here it is.

Diamond Back

1) YoYoJam Diamond Back
2) YoYoJam White Silicone Pads
3) 100% White Polyester String
4) Dif-e-yo Ceramic Konkave Bearing (Large - Size C)

And that is our Yo-Yo Setup of the Month. Stay tuned for the next installment. We are not done yet though. We shall leave you with the very video that fascinated us and brought our attention to the Diamond Back. Here is Eric Koloski, with the Diamond Back video for YoYoJam. Enjoy!

Do let us know YOUR Yo-Yo Setup of the Month. Drop us a comment below, or leave us a message on our Facebook Page with the title - My Yo-Yo Setup of the Month. Who knows, one day, you may even be featured on our Yo-Yo Setup of the Month column, with your very own setup and review!

Till next time, 
Super Squirrel up & away!~


Friday, 12 April 2013

Spinworkx First Mount #6 - Inverse Trapeze

Spinworkx First Mount #6 - Inverse Trapeze

So, after having mastered the Trapeze, the Inverse Trapeze should be a walk in the park for you!

To be honest, the Inverse Trapeze is considered by many to be easier than the actual Trapeze as you do not need to flip the yo-yo over your finger onto the string. All you have to do is to move the string to have the yo-yo sit onto it.

So this is how the Inverse Trapeze goes.

First, throw a breakaway just like how you would do a Trapeze.

However, instead of having the string hit the bottom of your index finger and flipping over, land the string on the top of your index finger. This makes your finger a pivot for the yoyo and the string.

Once this is done, move your throwing hand down and sit the yo-yo onto the string. When you have done this, your hands should be crossed.

Tadah! What you have done is called the Inverse Trapeze.

Pointers to take note of when learning this trick:
1) There are no big pointers to note as this trick is pretty straight forward. Just ensure the yo-yo is spinning straight and not tilting, and the yo-yo and trick are all in the same plane.

That's all for #6 of the Spinworkx First Mount project.
If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to drop us a comment or give us a shout out on our Facebook Page!

Don't stop Spinning!~

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Spinworkx Around the World: Hong Kong

Our second pitstop, and where else could we go to after Macau!

Hong Kong is definitely one of our favorite countries to go to in Asia!
The sights are amazing. The food is super duper yummy. The shopping is so good.

Can anyone guess the dudes in the last photo?
**Hint: They are the dynamic trio from Hong Kong!

Monday, 8 April 2013

Spinworkx Around the World: Macau

Spinworkx wishes to see the World, and first up was our stop in Macau!

The lights and sounds of the Casinos and the bustling streets were really captivating!

Where to next eh?

FRESH: OneDropXCLYW Summit

Name: Summit
Bearing Size: Large
Response: CLYW Snow Tires

The Summit is the second collaboration yo-yo between One Drop Design and CLYW. It takes the best of both worlds and combines it all into a single yo-yo. With elements from the popular CLYW Avalanche and the inner workings of the awesome One Drop Cascade, the Summit is the perfect yo-yo for fans of either One Drop Design or CLYW.

We have played and thrown the Summit ever since it has been launched, and just cannot put it down. The Summit is definitely in the running to be one of the best yo-yos for 2013.

Instead of doing a detailed write up and comparison for the Summit, we have done a cool, short stop motion video of the Summit for you to enjoy!

The OneDropXCLYW Summit is available at Spinworkx today!
Get them while they are still in stock.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Spotlight Player: Hassan Marialis

Hassan is a Spinner that is not just awesome and super fun to hang out with, he is also one of the most creative and innovative players in the world. If you ever need someone to have a friendly chat with, someone to teach you tricks or someone to work on new tricks with, Hassan is your guy. His cheerful spirit and attitude is always refreshing to have around, and if we could, we would hang with him all the time. Thankfully, Malaysia is just a Causeway away!

Name: Hassan Marialis

D.O.B.: 25 October 1988

Country: Malaysia

Handed: Right

Style of play: 1A & 3A

Number of years Spinning: 9 years

Sponsor: Werrd

Favorite yo-yo: Irony JP

Other Hobbies: Dance, Rap, Streetball

Favorite color: Blue

Why yo-yos?
"It is fun and you can play it anywhere, anytime!"

A little peek at some of Hassan's favorite tricks:

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