Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Rules for Freestyle Divisions (2012 onwards)

Singapore Contest Rules for the Freestyle Divisions
1) Each Competitor is to pick a song for their 1 or 3 Minute Freestyle routine.

2) Competitors will be judged according to these 3 components:
(I) Technical Execution (Maximum 50 points)

  • Based on positive clicks & negative clicks on the judge clickers.
  • Clicker scores will be normalized to a maximum of 50 points for this component.
  • Positive points are awarded for tricks or trick elements performed successfully.
  • Repeated tricks, elements, mounts, etc, may be scored at a lower value or not scored at all.
  • Additional points may be awarded based on the difficulty level of a trick element.
  • Negative points are deducted for each trick or trick element missed including things like missed string hits, missed slacks, missed suicides, corkscrews, loss of control, repeated efforts to regain control of yo-yo, unsuccessful binds, etc.
  • When 2 or more yo-yos are in play, each yo-yo will be judged separately.

(II) Technical Evaluation (Maximum 20 points) (4 Categories)

  • These 4 scores are added and are not normalized.
  • 1) Cleanliness (Line of string, smooth landings, flowing transitions, etc) (0.0 - 5.0 points)
  • 2) Variation (Different techniques within style of play, etc) (0.0 - 5.0 points)
  • 3) Uniqueness (Rareness, originality, outstanding in contest, etc) (0.0 - 5.0 points) 
  • 4) Execution (No major deductions, near perfect, accuracy, etc) (0.0 - 5.0 points) 

(III) Performance Evaluation (Maximum 30 points) (6 Categories)

  • These 6 scores are added and are not normalized.
  • 1) Routine (Construction of freestyle, changes in tempo, etc) (0.0 - 5.0 points) 
  • 2) Music Use (Choreography, music timing, cueing, rhythm, etc) (0.0 - 5.0 points) 
  • 3) Professionalism (Stage presence, composure, presentation, etc) (0.0 - 5.0 points) 
  • 4) Amplitude (Variation in difficulty level and speed, movement, etc) (0.0 - 5.0 points) 
  • 5) Style (Creativity of expression, artistry, etc) (0.0 - 5.0 points) 
  • 6) Showmanship (Enjoyment, entertainment, story, theme, etc) (0.0 - 5.0 points) 

3) Major Deductions:

  • Restarting the spin of the yo-yo (1 point deduction)
  • Changing a yo-yo for any reason (3 point deduction)
  • Yo-yo leaves the stage due to a broken string, mechanical failure, negligent action, etc (5 point deduction)
  • Yo-yo spinning, thrown or in a mount before the time/music starts (5 point deduction)

4) Disqualification:

  • Contestant may be disqualified for any negligent and/or willful actions that endanger judges, staff, contestants, members of the audience, etc.
  • Any song deemed explicit, or with explicit content during the actual Freestyles will lead to an instant  disqualification. If the competitor is unsure as to whether a particular song contains explicit content, it is his/her responsibility to check with the judges beforehand.

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