Monday, 3 May 2010

Spinworkx Yo-Yo Review: YoyoFactory's 888x (Video Inside!)

To our many long time readers and players, all of you would have been familiar with the 888 by YoyoFactory, a product that took the world by storm a few years back when Yuuki Spencer used it to win the World Yoyo Contest back in 2007.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="432" caption="YoyoFactory's 888x, probably the most influential metal yo-yo ever known in the yoing community"]YoyoFactorys 888x, probably the most influential metal yo-yo ever known in the yoing community[/caption]

So we've done a comparison article on the yo-yo back in 2009 but we never got about reviewing them. This week's article looks at the 888x by YoyoFactory, and sees what makes this yo-yo such a good performer, and one of the most highly sought after metal yo-yos in the market even till this day.

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