Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Spinworkx Yoyo Review: YoyoFactory Velocity

So we've talked about the FAST 201 and it's Fully Active Starburst Technology, a system invented by YoyoFactory that allows the starburst to interact with your yo-yo as you play, giving it a dynamic response that allows beginners to work with while learning the basics of the FAST challenge.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="461" caption="The Velocity, a truly adjustable starbust system that's out of this world!"]The Velocity, a truly adjustable starbust system thats out of this world![/caption]

But what's next? Is that the end of the FAST line? Enter the Velocity, another yo-yo from YoyoFactory that comes with a different kind of FAST system, one that's aimed at the intermediate to advance level player, with a response system that's just as hardcore as it's baby brother, the FAST 201.

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