Wednesday, 20 October 2010

New Plastic Grind Machines and SuperStars

YoyoFactory stocks are in, and we've got some new colors from old favorites! The Jensen Kimmitt SuperStar, now in Blue, is available at our store!!!!!

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="432" caption="SuperStars now available at Spinworkx once more!"]SuperStars now available at Spinworkx once more![/caption]

Read on..

Glowing Plastics from YoyoFactory, now available at Spinworkx!

THAT'S RIGHT! It's been too long since we had another glow in the dark yo-yo reach our store and today, we've got TWO!

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="432" caption="StarLites and DieNasty, available in Glow in the Dark!"]StarLites and DieNasty, available in Glow in the Dark![/caption]

YoyoFactory's Glow in the Dark DieNasty and StarLite are now available at the Spinworkx Store!!!!

Read on to find out more!

Turning Point MaxBets & RTs

If you're a fan of high performance undersized and full sized yo-yos, Turning Point's latest shipment of MaxBets and RTs are perfect for you!!!

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="432" caption="MaxBets now available at the Spinworkx Store in bright new colors!"]MaxBets now available at the Spinworkx Store in bright new colors![/caption]

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="432" caption="The MaxBet sports an angular profile, different from its other designs"]The MaxBet sports an angular profile, different from its other designs[/caption]

Available in new colors, the MaxBet is Kentaro's full sized yo-yo great for those 3A enthusiasts. Equipped with a Center Trac bearing and silicon response, the yo-yo also handles really well for 1A as well as 5A.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="432" caption="RTs back in stock!"]RTs back in stock![/caption]

Alternatively, if you are one who prefers undersized yo-yos, RTs are also back in stock in 4 new colors! These also come equipped with Center Trac bearings and silicon response.

Stocks are limited so if you haven't gotten yourself a piece yet, don't wait till these colors are all gone!


Turning Point MaxBet - SGD$229.90

Turning Point RT - SGD$229.90

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Spinworkx Workshops on Saturday & Sunday postponed

In light of the upcoming final year exams, The Spinworkx Free Workshops on weekends 11am to 12pm will not take place on the 23rd and 24th October.

Workshops will resume on the 30th October, Satuday.

So study hard, and all the best in your upcoming exams!!!!

Friday, 15 October 2010

Spinworkx Yo-yo Review: The PHENOMenon

It's probably the most talked about yo-yo of 2010, the Phenom by YoyoJam, a Hiroyuki Suzuki signature yo-yo that is not only meant to look good, but play good as well.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="432" caption="The Phenom by YoyoJam"]The Phenom by YoyoJam[/caption]

So how good really is this yo-yo? We got Kleaven Wong, local 1A talent and long time friend of Hiroyuki Suzuki himself, to give this badass metal a quick field test to see how well it performs...

Thursday, 14 October 2010

YoyoJam Phenom

We've been talking about it for MONTHS, seen the first few designs online, watched Hiroyuki Suzuki use it on stage, and now, it's finally here...

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="432" caption="PHenom Yo-Yos, now available at Spinworkx!"]PHenom Yo-Yos, now available at Spinworkx![/caption]

The Phenom by YoyoJam is out, and yes, we've got stocks!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

YoyoFactory "Stars" have landed!!!!

That's right! YoyoFactory's latest line up of yo-yos are now in stock at the Spinworkx Store, including the Northstar, which officially launches TODAY!!!

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="432" caption="Northstars, now available at Spinworkx"]Northstars, now available at Spinworkx[/caption]

Protostars, Yuukstas (fine, it's no "star", but still), and even the Rockstar is now available at the Spinworkx store, read on!

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

October 6, 2010

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="576" caption="Official Launch Date: October 6, 2010"]Official Launch Date: October 6, 2010[/caption]

Monday, 4 October 2010

Spinworkx Video Contest 2010 RESULTS!!

So after almost a month of deliberating, we have the results of the first ever Spinworkx Video Contest.

Now, before all is said and done, we would like to give a shout out to everyone who put in their time and effort in producing these videos. Anyone who has done video editing will know that it is not a simple process, and to make a good video, one has to film, watch, cut, sequence, track, etc the video, not an easy task by any means.

So, with that,


Coming Soon

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="576" caption="October 14th 2010"]October 14th 2010[/caption]

At Spinworkx, we're Facesters too!

[caption id="attachment_1744" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Check out the Spinworkx Facebook Group!"]Check out the Spinworkx Facebook Group![/caption]

If you're unaware yet, we've got a Facebook page! Join us today and get in on the latest news from Spinworkx from the comfort of your favorite social networking site today!

Spinworkx Facebook Page

Eastern State Throwdown 2010 Pro Freestyles are up!

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="383" caption="EST 2010 Top Pro Freestyles are up!"]EST 2010 Top Pro Freestyles are up![/caption]

That's right! The top Professional freestyles for EST 2010 are finally up on the Spinworkx Youtube page, check em out!

Spinworkx Youtube Channel

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Eastern State Throwdown 2010 *Videos Inside*

It's been over a week since EST 2010, a regionals event which saw some of the best freestyles from the Spinner Category yet! In just a few short month since the Singapore Yoyo Championships 2010, our young Padawans have been hard at work, training their routines, and getting up on stage last weekend to show off their stuff!

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="432" caption="Eastern State Throwdown 2010, held at Ulu Pandan Community Club"]Eastern State Throwdown 2010, held at Ulu Pandan Community Club[/caption]

With this year's Eastern State Throwdown being held at the Theatrette on the 5th floor, players were treated to a private enclosed area with a large stage area and high ceiling to perform, along with air conditioning that kept everyone cool and comfortable at all times!

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="432" caption="The seating area was big enough to fit everyone in without a problem!"]The seating area was big enough to fit everyone in without a problem![/caption]

Plus, with the new breed of Spinners practicing really hard since the Singapore Yoyo Championships 2010 held in June this year, freestyles were exciting to watch! To check out the top 5 1A Spinners and top 3 2A, 4A, and 5A freestyles, read more to check out the videos!

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