It's only been less than 3 years since metal yo-yos started to make it big in the yo-yo industry. Back then, anyone who owns a metal yo-yo would take good care of it, make it their prize possession, taking it out of their pockets every once in awhile just to give it a few throws, then putting them back again and continue playing with their plastic.
Fast forward to the present, metal yo-yos are now a big hit in the community, becoming a more popular choice among professionals than plastics. The increase in high end metals also led to the increase in price. Anyone who wanted a metal yo-yo had to fork out a lot of cash to buy one.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="461" caption="The current Fundametal range (Left to Right): Hectic, DV888 and Frantic"]
Recently however, some manufacturers have begun to offer a more "no-frills" range of metal yo-yos to cater to the masses, one name in particular would be YoyoFactory, which in the past 2-3 months have released three no-frills metal yo-yos, called "Fundametals" that offer equal precision yo-yo play, with a price tag below the US$100 range.
The company responsible for the metal yo-yo craze in 2007 is now delivering top notch performance at prices that would put most competitors to shame, and today we shall take a look at their Fundametal line up, and see what makes them so good...for so much less.